Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Have you ever wondered why it's recommended you trim the wick of your candle before burning it - surely it's not necessary (hint: it is!or why you can't smell the fragrance when you can clearly see the candle burning away and what are the benefits of a natural wax anyway?! Find the answers to these and more FAQ's right here!


What wax do you use?  Our candles are made with a blend of coconut and soy wax; a natural, non-toxic, biodegradable and sustainable resource. The addition of coconut wax to the soy wax creates the most beautiful creamy looking candles which produce a stronger fragrance throw. They also burn slower. You'll often find a 200g/20cl soy candle states it burns for around 35-40 hours. Our 200g candles burns for a whopping 60 hours meaning you're getting a whole lot more candle for your money!


Do your wicks contain lead?  Nope - like our wax, our wicks are all natural! Made from cotton and paper, they contain no traces of lead and are free of toxins. 


Are your candles vegan and cruelty free?  Yes, our candles are 100% vegan friendly and cruelty free. Our candles have been tested on friends not animals!


Why is there a circular crack around my wick? Due to it's natural quality, our wax can be more temperamental than waxes. This crack (and the fact it took more than six months of testing before we found the perfect wick!) is testament to that! The crack can occur when the candle first cools after being made. Rest assured, it isn't a fault and fortunately has a super easy fix...simply burn your candle! The molten wax will fill the crack and once the candle cools, won't reappear. Easy!


Why are there droplets of oil on the surface of my candle? Natural wax will sometimes release excess oil during sudden warm temperature changes. This is known as “sweating” and can happen in warmer climates or when shipping to different countries. This will not affect the candle in any way and shouldn’t reappear after the initial burn. To remove the oil, simply use kitchen roll to gently wipe it clean.


Why has my candle come away from the edges of the container?  Our natural wax is pretty amazing - it expands and contracts with temperature change. This means that at cooler times of the year the wax will shrink and come away from the edges of the container. Don't worry though - it won't effect the burning of your candle in any way. Once lit and warmed the wax will expand again!


I've lit my sample candle but I can't smell it.  Our samples are small but mighty! Despite their size they'll fill an average sized, enclosed room with fragrance in no time. If you have a large room, one with high ceilings or an open plan space it's unlikely you'll be able to smell the sample unless you stand close to it or burn more than one sample. Our samples smell incredible even when not lit so if you have a larger space you'll still be able to decide whether you like a fragrance without the need to strike a match!


Why is there a hard ring of wax around the outside of the container?  This is called tunnelling and is caused by the candle burning down it's centre leaving a ring of unmelted wax around the outside. Often this can be a sign that a candle is made of paraffin wax or has been poorly wicked. Rest assured that with Oak & Porter candles this isn't the case. 

Being a natural wax, our coconut and soy wax blend behaves differently to other waxes and as such some tunnelling is perfectly normal and will gradually melt as the candle burns down and the heat within the vessel increases. We've done extensive testing (more than six months testing in fact) to ensure the size of the wick in your candle is spot on.

To ensure the residual wax melts completely by the end of your candle's life, we recommend burning it for longer periods of 3 to 4 hours. 


Why is my candle burning unevenly? Our natural wicks bend over slightly when burning and as such the flame itself will be just the teeniest bit to one side of centre. Because of this you'll notice that the residual wax melts quicker on one side than the other but rest assured, if you burn your candle for longer periods of 3 to 4 hours, all the wax will have melted by the end of your candle's life.

To avoid uneven burning as much as possible, once you've extinguished the flame, ensure your wick is central before the wax cools and sets.


Why didn't my candle last the 60 hours it states on the label?  Many factors can influence how many hours your candle will burn for which is why we state up to 60 hours burn time.

Keeping it away from drafts and out of direct sunlight when burning as well as trimming the wick between burns are all ways to prolong the life of your candle.

We spent many months extensively testing the burn times of each 200g Oak & Porter candle and concluded that 60 hours is the maximum you can expect if the above conditions are met.


Why can't I smell my scented candle?  Our 30cl candles work really well in bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and typically sized living/dining rooms. Larger rooms or rooms with high ceilings may need more than one candle or our larger 3 wick candles for the best fragrance performance. 

If a single candle is suitable for the size of your room and you're still unable to detect the fragrance, ensure that you're burning it for long enough.  A 15-20 minute burn isn't long enough for the fragrance to begin permeating. Instead, aim for a minimum one hour burn.


How long should I burn my candle for? We recommend burning your candle for longer periods of between 3 to 4 hours to minimise tunnelling and prolong the life of your candle. 


Why is there a black residue around the rim of my container?  Prior to lighting your candle and in between burns, ensure the wick is no longer than 4mm in length. Untrimmed wicks will cause smoke and darken the inside of your glass with soot...yikes! Having a longer wick will also cause the flame to burn through your wax much quicker and shorten the life of your candle. We recommend using a wick trimmer for ease which...rather conveniently...we sell right here!

If there is black residue on the inside of your vessel, simply dampen a piece of kitchen roll and wipe clean. 


Why are soy candles more expensive than other candles?  Our candles are made with a blend of premium coconut and soy wax; a natural, non-toxic, biodegradable and sustainable resource. It has a strong fragrance throw and lasts 50% longer than an average paraffin wax candle making them more economical.

The natural properties and premium quality make our candles a little more expensive than your average scented candle but they're a better investment for you, your pocket and the environment!


How do I plant my wildflower dust cover?  Simply soak the cover for 1 minute in water, plant in the garden under 1cm of soil and water lightly. Alternatively, give your Oak & Porter vessel a second life as a plant pot!


I want to reuse my candle container to plant my wildflower dust cover. How can I get rid of the remaining wax?  When you extinguish your candle for the final time, allow the vessel to cool enough for you to handle it and carefully wipe out the residual wax with kitchen roll. Dislodge the wick with a spoon and wash the vessel in warm soapy water. 

Please remember - DO NOT pour liquid wax down your drains as it will solidify in the pipes and clog your sink...yikes!


Do you accept returns?  We have a 14 day return policy. Please see our Terms of Service for details.


Feel free to drop us a line via our contact page or directly at if you have any questions that we haven't answered and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.